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II.1.6.7 Calculation algorithm for shear stiffness

One describes below the calculation sequences that is used to calculate the laminate out-of-plane shear stiffness properties, and the out-of-plane shear stresses related to a given loading of the laminate.

The calculation sequence is described below. It involves two loops on the laminate layers.

Calculate laminate in-plane and flexural properties. This is necessary because one needs the matrices blam and dlam to calculate out-of-plane shear properties.
One initializes the 2 × 2 matrix Glam-1 to zero.
Then for each layer k with 1 k N, one performs the following sequence of operations:
One estimates the 3 × 3 matrix of in-plane stiffness coefficients in laminate axes Ck lam. For other calculations, one also need properties like the laminate thickness t and the positions zk of different layer interfaces.
This matrix is used to calculate the two matrices F0k lam and F1k lam. (See section II.1.6.3 for more details.) One has:
Fk lam(z) = F0k lam + z F1k lam.
Then, one calculates two other 2 × 2 matrices X0k lam and X1k lam. (See section II.1.6.3.) One has:
Xk lam(z) = X0k lam + z X1k lam.
Then one calculates the Y ik lam 2 × 2 matrices:
Y 0k lam = Y 0k-1 lam + Y 1k-1 lam -X0k lam zk-1 + Y 2k-1 lam -X1k lam 2 zk-12,
Y 1k lam = X0k lam,
Y 2k lam = X1k lam 2 .

As the expression of Y 0k lam is recursive, one needs another expression for the first value. The expression is:

Y 01 lam = -Y 11 lamz0 -Y 21 lamz02. = -X01 lamz0 -1 2 X11 lamz02.
One calculates the Uik lam 2 × 2 matrix. (See the end of section II.1.6.6 for the expressions to be used.) Then to Glam-1, one adds one term:
Glam-1 = G lam-1 + i=04 U ik lamzki+1 - z k-1i+1 i + 1 .
At the end of the loop on layers, the shear stiffness matrix Glam is calculated by inversion of Glam-1.

One also defines an out-of-plane shear compliance matrix calculated as follows:

glam = Glam-1.

This matrix allows to calculate the laminate out-of-plane shear moduli:

Gxz = 1 t g11,
Gyz = 1 t g22,

Note that the values calculated above do not correspond to an out-of-plane shear stiffness of a material equivalent to the defined laminate. To convince yourself of this you can define a laminate with a single ply of orthotropic material. Then, you will observe that Gxz = Gyz = 5G6 in which G is material shear modulus. (The usual 56 factor in shell theory is recovered.)