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Chapter IX.1
Examples of use for .NET assembly

Presently, the examples of usage for the .NET assembly are limited mostly to C# language examples. These examples are provided in sub-directories of “TESTSAT/NETEX” and correspond to the small examples “TESTSAT/RUBY” of FeResPost ruby extension discussed in chapter IV.2.

In this chapter, one highlights the differences between ruby extension and .NET assembly. For that reason, only a few examples are discussed. For the other examples, the discussion of corresponding ruby examples in chapter IV.2 and refexamples.CLA.chap should be sufficient.

 IX.1.1 Reading a Nastran model
  IX.1.1.1 Reading a Nastran model with C#
  IX.1.1.2 Reading a Nastran model with IronRuby
 IX.1.2 “printStressMax” example
 IX.1.3 Accessing FEM data
 IX.1.4 Extending CLA classes
 IX.1.5 Saving and retrieving Results from an SQL database
 IX.1.6 Superelements