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II.5.6 Finite element Results

Eighteen methods are devoted to the manipulation of loading components defined as finite element Results. Six member data correspond to these methods: “Shell Forces”, “Shell Moments”, “Shell Strains”, “Shell Curvatures”, “Shell Temperatures” and “Shell Moistures”.

The mechanical components of loading correspond to non-layered Results. “Shell Temperatures” and “Shell Moistures” are defined at Shell lower and upper surfaces (layers “Z1” and “Z2” respectively). When calculating laminate load response, FeResPost does not check or considers the coordinate system to which mechanical loading components are associated. This means that all the components are assumed to be given in loading axes. It is the responsibility of the user to first transform the components in such a way that their use by FeResPost makes sense.

Three methods allow the manipulation of Shell Forces stored in the ClaLoad object:

setShellForces” inserts a copy of the Result argument inside the ClaLoad object.
getShellForcesCopy” has no argument and returns a copy of the “Shell Forces” Result stored in the ClaLoad object. The method returns “Nil” if the “Shell Forces” are not initialized.
clearShellForces” erases the “Shell Forces” Result stored in the ClaLoad object.

For the other Results, the manipulation methods are build similarly. The other methods are:

Obviously, the different data inserted in, or retrieved from the ClaMat object should be consistent with the set of units attributed to the same object. This set of units can be attributed to the object after initialization of the data.