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III.2.2.1 General Results

General Results (by opposition to Composite Results) are presented in Tables III.2.2 to III.2.4. (One makes the distinction between Scalar, Vectorial and Tensorial Results.) About the Results described, one can make the following comments:

The shear components of strain tensor output by Samcef should be (and generally are) components of a tensor (ϵij = γij2). The same convention is used for all the tensors manipulated in FeResPost. So, no manipulation of the shear components is made when importing strain tensors from Samcef Results.

Note however that because of a bug in Samcef, strain results given at center of elements may be wrong and use the “angular deformation” convention. So the use should be careful when manipulating strain tensor Results imported from Samcef.

A flag influencing the importation of Results with “readDesFac” method allows the modification of shear components of 2D elements strain tensor: the ‘ANGULAR_STRAIN_BUG” flag. When set to “true”, the shear components of Strain tensor are divided by two. This division by two is done for the result codes 3421, 3445 and 3446. It is the responsibility of the user to check whether the setting of the flag is necessary or not.

See more information about the methods used to manipulate the flags in section III.2.1.4.

The ”Mechanical Strain Tensor” Result corresponds to the Strain Tensor estimated from Stress Tensor without considering thermo-elastic or hygro-elastic effects into account.
All result codes corresponding to Von Mises stress are skipped. However, Von Mises stress can always be generated by derivation from stress tensor Results.
The Result “Shell Forces” contains the contributions of several Samcef Result codes: the shell element normal forces (code x437) and the shell element shear forces (code x251).
Samcef “beam” type elements do not output vectorial or tensorial forces or moments. Instead, the different components are expressed in different coordinate systems. When importing these Results, a conversion into tensorial format is done as follows:
F = FxxFxyFxz Fxy 0 0 Fxz 0 0 = N T1T2 T1 0 0 T2 0 0 ,
M = MxxMxyMxz Mxy 0 0 Mxz 0 0 = M - F2F1 - F2 0 0 F1 0 0 .

(One uses here the notation of the Samcef manual for the components stored in “fac” file: N corresponds to the axial component of force, T to the shear forces, M to the torsion moment and F to the bending moment.)

Beam forces and moments are also saved in “fac” file for bushing elements. Then, the longitudinal axis may be z if axisymmetric properties are attributed to the element. Then, the components are inserted in 2D tensors as follows:

F = 0 0 Fxz 0 0 Fyz FxzFyzFzz = 0 0 F1 0 0 F2 F1F2F3 ,
M = 0 0 Mxz 0 0 Myz MxzMyzMzz = 0 0 M1 0 0 M2 M1M2M3 .

Table III.2.2: Correspondence between Samcef Result Codes and Scalar Results generated in FeResPost.

Samcef Result Code Generated Result

334 “Element Strain Energy (Density)”

335 “Element Kinetic Energy (Density)”

3234 “Element Strain Energy (Percent of Total)”

3235 “Element Kinetic Energy (Percent of Total)”

1305 “Contact, Contact Pressure”

1306 “Contact, Friction Stress”

1307 “Contact, Normal Distance”

2051 “Contact, Nodal Distance”

1440, 3440 “Beam Axial Stress for Total Loads”

1450, 3450 “Beam Shear Stress for Total Loads”

Table III.2.3: Correspondence between Samcef Result Codes and Vectorial Results generated in FeResPost.

Samcef Result Code Generated Result

153 “Coordinates”

163 “Displacements, Translational”

191 “Displacements, Rotational”

221 “Reaction Forces, Forces”, “Reaction Forces, Moments”

1439, 3439, 1524, 3524 “Beam Forces” (5)

1439, 3439, 1525, 3525 “Beam Moments” (5)

1532 “Grid Point Forces, Reaction Forces”

1533 “Grid Point Forces, Reaction Moments”

1534 “Grid Point Forces, Internal Forces”

1535 “Grid Point Forces, Internal Moments”

Table III.2.4: Correspondence between Samcef Result Codes and Tensorial Results generated in FeResPost. (Stars “*” can be replaced by 1, 2 or nothing and are related to the sub-layer IDs.)

Samcef Result Code Generated Result

*1411, *1413, 1431, 1435, 1436, *3411, *3413, 3431, 3435, 3436, “Stress Tensor”

*1421, 1445, 1446, *3421, 3445, 3446 “Strain Tensor” (1)

*1423, *3423 “Mechanical Strain Tensor” (2)

1251, 1437, 3251, 3437 “Shell Forces” (4)

1438, 3438 “Shell Moments”

Table III.2.5: Correspondence between Samcef Result Codes for Mecano Thermal Results.

Samcef Result Code Generated Result

120 “Temperature”

121 “Temperature Variation Rate”

1379, 3379 “Specific Heat Energy”

1511, 3511 “Conductive Heat Flux”

1801, 3801 “Applied Heat Flux”