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Chapter I.1
Generic “DataBase” class

Basically, a “DataBase” class is a container used to store a finite element model, Groups, Results, and other less important entities. The DataBase class also allow to retrieve, manipulate or modify these objects. The DataBase class is a generic class that cannot be instantiated. The specialized classes that inherit the generic DataBase class are described in Part III. Other solvers might be supported in the future. The class hierarchy is schematically represented in Figure I.1.1.


Figure I.1.1: Finite element DataBase classes hierarchy.

As three classes are represented in Figure I.1.1, the methods described in this Chapter may belong to the generic DataBase class or to the derived classes. A few basic principles should help the user to “guess” in which class some of the methods are defined:

Throughout the Chapter one specifies for the different methods, in which class they are defined. This Chapter is divided in several sections:

A list of the methods defined in “DataBase” class is given in Table I.1.1.

Table I.1.1The different methods that have been defined in “DataBase” class. Methods marked with “(s)” are singleton methods.

(FeResPost list of classes is given in Table 1 page 27.)

Method NameDescription Example

Creation and initialization methods

(new) I.1.1

(initialize) I.1.1

(clone) I.1.1

checkCoordSysExists I.1.1

checkElementExists I.1.1

checkNodeExists I.1.1

checkRbeExists I.1.1

getElementType I.1.1

getElementTypeName I.1.1

getElementDim I.1.1

getElementNbrNodes I.1.1


getElementNodes I.1.1

getElementCornerNodes I.1.1


Name I.1.7IV.2.2.1

NbrCoordSys I.1.1

NbrElements I.1.1

NbrNodes I.1.1

NbrAbbreviations I.1.4

NbrGroups I.1.2.1

Manipulation of Results

getResultLoadCaseNames I.1.3.1 “EX09/modifCS3D.rb”

getResultSubCaseNames I.1.3.1 “EX09/modifCS3D.rb”

getResultTypeNames I.1.3.1 “EX09/modifCS3D.rb”

checkResultExists I.1.3.1

getResultSize I.1.3.1

getResultLcInfos I.1.3.1

addResult I.1.3.1

generateCoordResults I.1.3.1 IV.2.4

generateElemAxesResults I.1.3.1

buildLoadCasesCombili I.1.3.1“PROJECTb/DATA/loadCases.rb”

renameResults I.1.3.1

copyResults I.1.3.1

removeResults I.1.3.1“PROJECTb/DATA/loadCases.rb”

removeAllResults I.1.3.1

getResultCopy I.1.3.1 IV.2.4.2

enableLayeredResultsReading (s)I.1.3.2

disableLayeredResultsReading (s)I.1.3.2 IV.2.4

enableSubLayersReading (s) I.1.3.2

disableSubLayersReading (s) I.1.3.2 IV.2.4

Manipulation of Groups


writeGroupsToPatranSession I.1.2.1IV.2.2.2

addGroupCopy I.1.2.1IV.2.2.4

getAllGroupNames I.1.2.1IV.2.2.2

checkGroupExists I.1.2.1

getGroupCopy I.1.2.1IV.2.2.2

eraseGroup I.1.2.1

eraseAllGroups I.1.2.1

getGroupAllElements I.1.2.1

getGroupAllNodes I.1.2.1

getGroupAllRbes I.1.2.1

getGroupAllCoordSys I.1.2.1

getGroupAllFEM I.1.2.1IV.2.4.4

Manipulation of abbreviations

clearAbbreviations I.1.4

addAbbreviation I.1.4

addAbbreviations I.1.4

Abbreviations I.1.4

getAbbreviation I.1.4

checkAbbreviationExists I.1.4

getAbbreviations I.1.4

CLA methods

getClaDb I.1.5 IV.3.1

calcFiniteElementResponseI.1.5 IV.3.6

calcFiniteElementCriteria I.1.5 IV.3.6

calcFemLamProperties I.1.5


each_abbreviation I.1.6

each_groupName I.1.6IV.2.2.2

each_resultKey I.1.6 IV.2.4

each_resultKeyCaseId I.1.6 IV.2.4

each_resultKeySubCaseId I.1.6 IV.2.4

each_resultKeyLcScId I.1.6 IV.2.4

each_resultKeyResId I.1.6 IV.2.4

Write methods

to_s I.1.7

writeGmsh I.1.8IV.2.5.4


 I.1.1 Methods for FEM definition
 I.1.2 “Group” methods
  I.1.2.1 Simple manipulation of Groups
  I.1.2.2 Construction of Groups by association operations
 I.1.3 “Result” methods
  I.1.3.1 Manipulation of Results
  I.1.3.2 Enabling composite Results reading operations
 I.1.4 Manipulation of abbreviations
 I.1.5 Composite methods
 I.1.6 Iterators
 I.1.7 General purpose methods
 I.1.8 “Gmsh” methods