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I.1.1 Methods for FEM definition

No generic “DataBase” object can be created because “DataBase” class cannot be instantiated. This means that a statement like:


leads to an error message. All the methods described in this section are defined in the specialized versions of the DataBase class. So no “new”, “initialize” or “clone” method is defined in DataBase class.

One defines three methods that allow to retrieve the number of entities of certain types stored in DataBase FE model:

Each of these methods has no argument and returns an integer. Other methods allow to check the existence of finite element entities:

Each of these four methods has one integer argument corresponding to the entity the existence of which is checked.

Several methods allow to retrieve elements information. Each of the following methods has one integer argument corresponding to the element ID:

Normally one class corresponds to each solver supported by FeResPost. The preferences for the different supported solvers are described in Part III.