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III.1.2 Nastran Result characteristics

When a Result object is read from an “op2” or an “xdb” file, integer and/or real identifiers are associated to the object. These identifiers depend on the solution sequence to which the Results correspond:

The “load case name” identifier associated to read or accessed results correspond to the “SUBTITLE” associated to the SUBCASE defined in Nastran data file. If this SUBTITLE is not define, the SUBCASE ID is used to generate a default load case identifier as follows:

 lcName="Load Case "+ID

The subcase names are automatically generated by FeResPost when the Results are read from output files. Table III.1.5 lists possible subcase names generated by FeResPost when Nastran Results are read from OP2, XDB or HDF files. The integer and real values associated to the Results for each Nastran solution type are listed in Table III.1.4.

Table III.1.4Integer and Real IDs associated to the different solution types

Analysis Type Int ID 1 Int ID 2 Real ID 1 Real ID 2

Linear Static LCID -1 -1.0 -1.0

Modal (Real) LCID Mode ID Frequency -1.0

Random LCID Freq. output ID Frequency -1.0

Transient LCID Time Step ID Time -1.0

Buckling LCID Mode ID Critical Load -1.0

Nonlinear LCID Output Step ID “Time” -1.0

Frequency Response LCID Freq. output ID Frequency -1.0

Modal (Complex) LCID Mode ID Freq. (real) Freq. (imaginary)

Table III.1.5Subcase names generated by FeResPost when Nastran Results are read from OP2, XDB or HDF files.

SOL 101 (Linear Statics)

C++ ret=“Statics”

Example “Statics”

SOL 103 (Modal Analysis)

C++ sprintf(buf,“Mode %d (f = %.4f)”,intId1,realId1);

Example “Mode 3 (f = 15.3684)”

SOL 105 (Buckling Analysis)

C++ sprintf(buf,“Mode %d (eig = %.4f)”,intId1,realId1);

Example “Mode 1 (eig = 2.5463)”

SOL 106 or SOL 400 (Non-linear Statics)

C++ sprintf(buf,“Step %d (s = %.4f)”,intId1,realId1);

Example “Step 1 (s = 1.2563)”

SOL 107 (Complex eigen-values)

C++ if (realId2>=0.0)
sprintf(buf,“Mode %d (eig = %.4f+%.4f*i)”,intId1,realId1,realId2);
sprintf(buf,“Mode %d (eig = %.4f%.4f*i)”,intId1,realId1,realId2);

Example “Mode 7 (eig = 2.5463-3.5897*i)”

SOL 108 or SOL 111 (Frequency response)

C++ sprintf(buf,“Output %d (f = %.4f)”,intId1,realId1);

Example “Output 58 (f = 43.2568)”

Random Results

C++ sprintf(buf,“Random PSD Output %d (f = %.4f)”,intId1,realId1);

Example “Random PSD Output 58 (f = 43.2568)”

C++ sprintf(buf,“Random ATOC Output %d (f = %.4f)”,intId1,realId1);

Example “Random ATOC Output 58 (f = 43.2568)”

C++ sprintf(buf,“Random CRMS Output %d (f = %.4f)”,intId1,realId1);

Example “Random CRMS Output 58 (f = 43.2568)”

C++ ret=“Random RMS”

Example “Random RMS”

C++ ret=“Random NOC”

Example “Random NOC”

Finally, the results found in the op2 file are presented by blocks corresponding to the different “result element types”. Unfortunately, those element types do not correspond exactly to the element bdf cards presented in section III.1.1.1. The supported result element types are: “ROD”, “BEAM”, “TUBE”, “SHEAR”, “CONROD”, “ELAS1”, “ELAS2”, “ELAS3”, “ELAS4”, “DAMP1”, “DAMP2”, “DAMP3”, “DAMP4”, “VISC”, “MASS1”, “MASS2”, “MASS3”, “MASS4”, “CONM1”, “CONM2”, “PLOTEL”, “QUAD4”, “BAR”, “GAP”, “TETRA”, “BUSH1D”, “QUAD8”, “HEXA”, “PENTA”, “BEND”, “TRIAR”, “TRIA3”, “TRIA6”, “QUADR”, “TETRANL”, “GAPNL”, “TUBENL”, “TRIA3NL”, “RODNL”, “QUAD4NL”, “PENTANL”, “CONRODNL”, “HEXANL”, “BEAMNL”, “QUAD4LC”, “QUAD8LC”, “TRIA3LC”, “TRIA6LC”, “BUSH”, “FAST”, “QUAD144”, “QUADRNL”, “TRIARNL”, “ELAS1NL”, “ELAS3NL”, “BUSHNL”, “QUADRLC” and “TRIARLC”. (More information on the result element types can be found in [Rey04].)

Here again, some of the element result types can be disabled or enabled (section III.1.1.1). The arguments given to the enabling or disabling methods correspond to a String object, or an Array of Strings, the values of Strings corresponding to some of the Result element types given just above.

The negative node values corresponding to Results on specific Nastran elements are summarized in Table III.1.6. (This Table is a complement to Table I.4.2.) These keys can be used when Results are read from “OP2” or “XDB” files. Note that the “CbarGrdA” and “CbarGrdB” are used only to associate values to CBAR end nodes when the definition of CBAR element has not been found in the DataBase.

Table III.1.6: Correspondence between special nodes for element Results and their integer ids (peculiar to Nastran solver).

For Nastran CSHEAR element

"F4to1" -201

"F2to1" -202

"F1to2" -203

"F3to2" -204

"F2to3" -205

"F4to3" -206

"F3to4" -207

"F1to4" -208

"kickOn1" -211

"kickOn2" -212

"kickOn3" -213

"kickOn4" -214

"shear12" -221

"shear23" -222

"shear34" -223

"shear41" -224

For Nastran CBEAM element (or CBAR element with intermediate stations)

"CbeamSt01" to "CbeamSt40" -101 to -140

For Nastran CBAR element

"CbarGrdA" -151

"CbarGrdB" -152

  III.1.2.1 General Results
  III.1.2.2 Composite Results