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II.1.6.1 Out-of-plane shear equilibrium equations

In Chapter 13 of [Sof04a] one considers the equilibrium in direction x of a small portion of the material (Figure II.1.4) of lengths dx and dz respectively:

τxz z + σxx x = 0.

Similarly, the equilibrium of a portion dx of the full laminate is given globally by the expression:

Qxz -Mxx x = 0.


Figure II.1.4: Out-of-plane XZ shear equilibrium in a laminate (from [Sof04a]).

Then, in Chapter 13 of [Sof04a], developments are done to calculate the relations between Qxz and τxz. All the developments are based on the local x equilibrium relation.

In this document, a more general presentation of the out-of-plane shear behavior of laminates is done. The x and y components of in-plane local equilibrium are written as follows:

σxx,x + τxy,y + τxz,z = 0, (II.1.34)
τxy,x + σyy,y + τyz,z = 0. (II.1.35)

Correspondingly, a global equilibrium is expressed by the two equations:

Mxx,x + Mxy,y = Qxz, (II.1.36)
Mxy,x + Myy,y = Qyz. (II.1.37)

Those equations shall be developed and will ultimately allow the calculation of τxz and τyz from the global shear Qxz and Qyz.