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VII.4.4.2 Post-processing of connection loads

For the post-processing of connection loads, the first step of the calculations is always to estimate for each connection the axial force, the shear force, the torsional moment and the bending moment. Afterwards the criterion for the connection is calculated (sliding, gapping, insert, rivet...). More precisely, one calculates the critical connection (node or element) and the associated reserve factor.

VII. Calculation of the different components of connection loads

One explains here how the components of loading (axial and shear forces, torsional and bending moments) are first calculated for the different connections before the calculation of reserve factors for a selected criterion.

The parameters used for the calculation of these connection load components are always the first 6 parameters of the connection criterion function:

The name of the load case for which the calculation is done.
The name of a first Group (group1) corresponding generally to a part of the structure to which the connections are connected (sandwich panel, shell, metallic fitting...).
The name of second Group (group2) of finite element entities corresponding generally to the modeling of the connections (For example RBE2 elements, CBAR or CBUSH elements...).
A String corresponding to the type of operations done to build the different components of connection loads. This String determines which Results are first read from Result files, and how they are manipulated afterwards. More information about this parameter is given below.
An integer or String value corresponding to the coordinate system in which the force and moment vectors are to be expressed before extracting the different force and moment components.
A vector of three real values corresponding to the axis of the connection in the coordinate system given by the previous argument. The direction of this vector must be defined in such a way that a positive axial force corresponds to a tension in connection. For example, when internal forces are extracted from Grid Point Forces results, this is achieved by defining the vector pointing from grp2 to grp1 (to the direction of the group containing the elements from which Grid Point Forces are extracted.)

Presently, the available extraction methods for the load components, given by the fourth argument above are the following:

When the option “BMFRC” is adopted, the loads are extracted on the “beam-type” elements modeling the connections (CBUSH elements for example). This means that the only the second Group argument (third argument of the function) matters. The first Group argument is not considered. In all other cases, Group operations are done to obtain a list of nodes which is the intersection of the two Group arguments provided. More precisely, the Group “targetGrp” is build as follows:

    If extractionMethod = "BMFRC" Then  
        Set targetGrp = grp2  
        Set nodeGrp1 = db.getNodesAssociatedToRbes(grp1)  
        Set tmpGrp1 = db.getNodesAssociatedToElements(grp1)  
        nodeGrp1.importEntitiesByType "Node", tmpGrp1  
        Set nodeGrp2 = db.getNodesAssociatedToRbes(grp2)  
        Set tmpGrp2 = db.getNodesAssociatedToElements(grp2)  
        nodeGrp2.importEntitiesByType "Node", tmpGrp2  
        Set tmpGrp3 = nodeGrp1.opMul(nodeGrp2)  
        Set tmpGrp2 = db.getElementsAssociatedToNodes(tmpGrp3)  
        Set tmpGrp1 = grp1.opMul(tmpGrp2)  
        Set targetGrp = tmpGrp1.opAdd(tmpGrp3)  
    End If  

Depending on the type of extraction, and on specific aspects of the problem, the correspondence between grp1 and grp2 on one side and the connections or assembled part may differ. For example:


Figure VII.4.1: Example of assembly of different layers with a single connection.

All the operations are managed by subroutine “getConnectionLoads” of “ExtractionCriteria” VBA module. This subroutine is called by each of the connection post-processing function. This is why the six parameters (eight values) of these connection post-processing functions are always the same.

VII. “getSlidingRF” function

This function calculates reserve factors for the sliding criterion with the following expression:

RF = Cf * Pmin FoS *Cf * max (Faxial, 0) + Fshear ,

in which Cf is the friction coefficient between assembled elements and Pmin is an estimate of the minimum possible pretension of the bolt. Parameters specific to this function are:

The function returns an Array of one line and four columns containing:

VII. “getGappingRF” function

This function calculates reserve factors for the gapping criterion with the following expression:

RF = Pmin FoS *max (Faxial, 0) + MbendingR,

in which R is a parameter that allows to take into account the prying effect related to the bending moment in the connection and Pmin is an estimate of the minimum possible pretension of the bolt. Parameters specific to this function are:

The function returns an Array of one line and four columns containing:

VII. “getInsertRF” function

This function calculates reserve factors for the insert criterion with the following expression:

RF = 1 FoSFaxial PSS 2 + Fshear QSS 2,

In which “PSS” is the axial allowable of the insert and “QSS” is its shear allowable. Parameters specific to this function are:

The function returns an Array of one line and four columns containing:

VII. “getShearBearingRF” function

This function calculates reserve factors for the shear-bearing failure mode with the following expression:

RF = ShrAll FoS * Fshear,

in which ShrAll is the shear bearing allowable. Parameters specific to this function are:

The function returns an Array of one line and three columns containing:

VII. “getPullThroughRF” function

This function calculates reserve factors for the pull-through failure mode with the following expression:

RF = PullAll FoS *max Faxial,PullAll * 10-9 ,

in which PullAll is the pull-through tensile allowable. Parameters specific to this function are:

The function returns an Array of one line and three columns containing: