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II.1.2 Rotation in XY plane and algebraic notations

One common operation in classical laminate analysis is to rotate vectors, tensors and matrices. One summarizes here the operations one uses in the rest of this Chapter and in FeResPost. This rotation is represented in Figure II.1.3.


Figure II.1.3: Rotation of angle θ around the origin in O12 plane.

   II. Rotation of base vectors
   II. Transformation of vector and tensor components
   II. Matricial notations
   II. Introduction of a short notation
II. Rotation of base vectors

For such a rotation, the vectors ex and ey are expressed as a function of e1 and e2 as:

ex ey = cos θ sin θ - sin θ cos θ e1 e2 .

To simplify the notations, one introduces the symbols c = cos θ and s = sin θ. Also, one prefers to write the more general 3D version of the transformation:

ex ey ez = c s0 - s c 0 0 01 e1 e2 e3 . (II.1.1)

The inverse relation corresponds to a rotation of angle - θ and is obtained by changing the signs of the sinuses in the rotation matrix:

e1 e2 e3 = c - s0 s c 0 0 0 1 ex ey ez . (II.1.2)

II. Transformation of vector and tensor components

The expressions (II.1.1) and (II.1.2) can be used to transform the components of vectors. For example:

V x V y V z = c s0 - s c 0 0 01 V 1 V 2 V 3 . (II.1.3)

For the transformation of 2D tensors, the transformation matrix is used twice. For example, a Cauchy stress tensor is transformed as follows:

σxxσxyσzx σxyσyyσyz σzxσyzσzz = c s0 - s c 0 0 01 σ11σ12σ31 σ12σ22σ23 σ31σ23σ33 c - s0 s c 0 0 0 1 . (II.1.4)

II. Matricial notations

As the Cauchy stress tensor is symmetric, expression (II.1.4) is more conveniently written in a matricial form as follows:

σxx σyy σzz τyz τzx τxy = c2 s200 0 2cs s2 c200 0 - 2cs 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 c - s 0 0 0 0s c 0 - cscs00 0 c2 - s2 σ11 σ22 σ33 τ23 τ13 τ12 . (II.1.5)

The same expression applies to the components of the strain tensor, which is also symmetric:

ϵxx ϵyy ϵzz ϵyz ϵzx ϵxy = c2 s200 0 2cs s2 c200 0 - 2cs 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 c - s 0 0 0 0s c 0 - cscs00 0 c2 - s2 ϵ11 ϵ22 ϵ33 ϵ23 ϵ13 ϵ12 .

However, unfortunately, the classical laminate analysis is universally written using angular shear components for the strain tensor:

γij = 2ϵij(ij).

Using the angular components, the matricial expression to be used for the rotation becomes:

ϵxx ϵyy ϵzz γyz γzx γxy = c2 s2 00 0 cs s2 c2 00 0 - cs 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 c - s 0 0 0 0s c 0 - 2cs2cs00 0 c2 - s2 ϵ11 ϵ22 ϵ33 γ23 γ13 γ12 . (II.1.6)

An interesting aspect of the transformations (II.1.5) and (II.1.6) is that one can apply the transformation separately on sub-groups of components:

This contributes to justify some of the simplifications of the classical laminate analysis; among others, the decoupling of in-plane and flexural deformation of the laminate on one hand from the out-of-plane shear on the other hand. The third direction is systematically neglected: σ33 = ϵ33 = 0. The inverse of relation (II.1.7) is obviously;

σ11 σ22 τ12 = c2 s2 - 2cs s2 c2 2cs cs - csc2 - s2 σxx σyy τxy , (II.1.9)
ϵ11 ϵ22 γ12 = c2 s2 - cs s2 c2 cs 2cs - 2csc2 - s2 ϵxx ϵyy γxy

II. Introduction of a short notation

In order to simplify the notations, one introduces the following notations:

T+ (θ) = c2 s2 - 2cs s2 c2 2cs cs - csc2 - s2 ,
T-(θ) = c2 s2 2cs s2 c2 - 2cs - cscsc2 - s2 ,
T+ (θ) = c2 s2 cs s2 c2 - cs - 2cs2csc2 - s2 ,
T- (θ) = c2 s2 - cs s2 c2 cs 2cs - 2csc2 - s2 ,
S-(θ) = c - s s c ,
S+ (θ) = c s - s c . (II.1.10)

These matrices are not independent. For example:

T-(θ) = T+ (θ) -1 = T + (-θ),
T-(θ) = T+ (θ) -1 = T + (-θ),
T+ (θ) = T+ (θ) T ,
S-(θ) = S+ (θ) T = S + (θ) -1 = S + (-θ) .

The transformations of the components of strain tensor (II.1.8) and stress tensor (II.1.9) are then written:

ϵxy = T+ (θ) ϵ12,
σ12 = T+ (θ) σxy,
ϵ12 = T- (θ) ϵxy,
σxy = T-(θ) σ12.

Similarly, for the out-of-plane shear stresses and strains one writes the following relations:

γs xy = S+ (θ) γs 12,
τs xy = S+ (θ) τs 12,
γs 12 = S-(θ) γs xy,
τs 12 = S-(θ) τs xy.