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VII.3.4 Simple extraction of Results

This spreadsheet is used to perform simple extraction of Results but nothing more. (Except that modification of coordinate systems are also done.) Several ComboBoxes allow to define the parameters for the extraction:

When all the parameters have been defined, the “Extract” button performs the extraction and fills cells in the spreadsheet starting at line 15. More precisely, the following operations are done in the corresponding VBA subroutine:

The current NastranDb DataBase is retrieved using method “getDb” of FemDbIds spreadsheet.
The names of selected load case, sub case and result type are used to import Results into the current DataBase. (The XDB file name has been selected in “FemDbIds” spreadsheet.)
The Group corresponding to the selected Group Name is retrieved from the current DataBase. (“getGroupCopy” method of NastranDb class.)
This Group, the selected location and the names of load case, sub-case and result type are used to retrieve a Result from the DataBase using “getResultCopy” method.
The Results stored in the DataBase are removed by calling method “removeAllResults”.
If necessary, the components of the Result are expressed in a new coordinate system by calling “modifyRefCoordSys” of “Result” class.
The previous results are erased.
The data are extracted from the Result and pasted into the spreadsheet starting at line 16.
A title line is added at line 15.

At different steps, an Error message is defined. This error message is printed at line 15 of the spreadsheet is an Error occurs during execution. In most cases, this error is related to inconsistencies in the definition of data. Then the error message should help the user to correct his data.

Note that this spreadsheet should work for real as well as complex Results.