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Chapter I.3
The “Group” class

The “Group” corresponds to the Patran notion of group. Group objects can be stored in a DataBase object, retrieved from it and manipulated outside the DataBase. One describes here the manipulation methods outside the DataBase class.

A list of the methods defined in “Group” class is given in Table I.3.1.

Table I.3.1The different methods that have been defined in “Group” class. Methods marked with “(s)” are singleton methods.

(FeResPost list of classes is given in Table 1 page 27.)

Method NameDescription Example

Creation and initialization methods

new (s) I.3.2IV.2.5.1

initialize I.3.7

clone I.3.7

Identification (attributes)

Name= I.3.7IV.2.2.3

Name I.3.7

Manipulation of entities

getEntitiesByType I.3.3IV.2.2.2

getNbrEntities I.3.3

getNbrEntitiesByType I.3.3IV.2.2.2

setEntities I.3.3IV.2.5.1

setEntitiesByType I.3.3

addEntities I.3.3

addEntitiesByType I.3.3

removeEntities I.3.3

removeEntitiesByType I.3.3


matchWithDbEntities I.3.3IV.2.5.1

importEntitiesByType I.3.3



+ I.3.4IV.2.5.1

- I.3.4

* I.3.4IV.2.2.4

/ I.3.4


toBlob I.3.5

fromBlob I.3.5


each_element I.3.6

each_rbe I.3.6

each_node I.3.6IV.2.2.2


Other methods

to_s I.3.7

Attribute readers

NbrElements I.3.7

NbrNodes I.3.7

NbrRbes I.3.7


 I.3.1 The concept of “Group”
 I.3.2 Creation of a Group object
 I.3.3 Manipulation of entities stored in a Group
 I.3.4 Group operators
 I.3.5 “BLOBs”
 I.3.6 Iterators of Group class
 I.3.7 Other methods