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X.B.2.1 Transformation of vector components

One considers a vectors v with components expressed in two Cartesian coordinate systems with base vectors ei and ei respectively. So one has:

v = viei = vie i.

In the last expression we introduce the notations vi and vi for the components of vector v in ei and ei respectively.

It is possible to decompose the vectors ei as a linear combination of vectors ej:

ei = A ijej.

The coefficients Aij are easily calculated. Indeed, the scalar multiplication of the previous equality by ek gives successively:

eie k = Aijej ek , eie k = Aijδjk , eie k = Aik,

or finally:

Aij = eie j.

By a similar calculation, it is possible to identify the relations between the components of vector v expressed in the two coordinate systems:

ekv = e kv iei = ekv ie i, vi eke i = vie ke i, viAki = viδ ki, Akivi = vk,

Finally, one sees that the relation between base vectors and vector components are the same:

ei = A ijej,
vi = A ijvj.

That’s the reason why the transformation is called a covariant transformation. One also says that vi or vi are covariant components of vector v in coordinate systems ei and ei respectively. In the last vector component transformation one recognizes a classical algebraic result:

V = AV .

The matrix Aij is orthogonal: Aij -1 = A ji and the reverse relation for vector components is:

vj = Ajivi.