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II.1.10.24 3D honeycomb criterion

A general honeycomb criterion uses the out-of-plane tension/compression and the two out-of-plane shear components of the Cauchy stress tensor. The criterion read as follows:

FIHoney3D = σ33 σ33all 2 + τ23 τ23all 2 + τ31 τ31all 2.

The allowable σ33all depends on the sign of σ33 (Generally, the compressive allowable is significantly smaller than the tensile one). The honeycomb material is generally defined in such a way that the allowable τ31all = τ L is in ribbon direction (longitudinal allowable) and τ23all is the transverse allowable τW . Core passes the failure criterion if the following condition is satisfied

σ33 σ33all 2 + τ23 τ23all 2 + τ31 τ31all 2 1.

The reserve factor is calculated as follows:

RFHoney3D = 1 FoS FIHoney3D,

and the strength ratio is given by:

SRHoney3D = FoS FIHoney3D.

This criterion is referred to as “Honey3D” in FeResPost.