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VII.1.9 An Excel workbook illustrating the use of SQL databases

This example is presented in excel workbook “blob_test.xlsm” in directory “TESTSAT/COMEX/EX11” correspond approximately to the ruby examples of section IV.2.6. In this case, one uses the “SQLite for Excel" extension found on “http://sqliteforexcel.codeplex.com/”. The corresponding libraries and VBA Module are distributed with the example in sub-directories. Very small modifications have been brought to the VBA code “SQLite for Excel" to deal with the blobs produced by FeResPost. (See the “SQLite3” module in the sources that correspond to the corresponding Module found on “http://sqliteforexcel.codeplex.com/” + a few modifications.

Worksheet “MANIP” in the workbook corresponds to two VBA macros that perform operations very similar to those of the ruby example of section IV.2.6. These macros and a few more are defined in Module “FeResPost_Results” that contains the code for the example.

More information on the use of FeResPost with VBA is given in Chapters VII.2, VII.3 and VII.4. Note also that the installation of “SQLite for Excel" extension in subdirectories of the example directory is not necessarily a good idea. The extension should be installed in a proper directory if you want to use it for other applications. Then a tuning of some directory names in VBA source code will be necessary.

Note also that COM wrappers of SQLite are also available and may be used with VBA language. (See the following address “http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=SqliteWrappers” if you are interested.) Of course, the use of databases other than SQLite is also possible (MySQL, PostGreSQL...).