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X.D.1.2 “HoneycombAirbusSR” criterion

This criterion is used to calculate honeycomb core margin of safety according to the so-called “Airbus” core failure criterion than combines the two components of out-of-plane stress tensor. The margin of safety is calculated according to the following expression:

MoS = 1 FoSτL σL 2 + τW σW 2 - 1,

in which τL and τL are the honeycomb longitudinal and transversal shear components of Cauchy stress tensor and σL and σW the corresponding allowables. Actually, one calculates a strength ratio instead of a margin of safety. The relation between strength ratio, reserve factor and margin of safety is as follows:

SR = 1 RF = 1 MoS + 1.

This leads to the following expression for the strength ratio:

SR = FoS τL σL 2 + τW σW 2,

(The display of strength ratios instead of margins of safety allows usually a better identification of critical areas. This is true,for example, when results are saved in GMSH format.)

The arguments of the criterion are given in Table X.D.3. Compared to the “HoneycombAirbusMoS” discussed in section X.D.1.1, two new parameters are defined: “strL” and “strW” String arguments. These arguments, allow to specify the Cauchy Stress Tensor components that should be considered for τL and τW respectively. Possible values are “XZ”, “ZX”, “YZ”, “ZY”, “XY” and “YX”. (This capability has been added to allow the post-processing of stress when the usual convention for honeycomb core material definition have not been followed.

The method returns an Array of 8 elements according to Table X.D.4:

Table X.D.3: Arguments of the “HoneycombAirbusSR” predefined criterion

Pos. Name Type meaning can be modified?

1 dB DataBase DataBase (or derived) NO

2 fos Real factor of safety NO

3 allL Real shear allowable in L-direction NO

4 allW Real shear allowable in L-direction NO

5 strL String shear allowable in L-direction NO

6 strW String shear allowable in L-direction NO

7 stressRes Result Cauchy Stress Tensor NO

Table X.D.4: Outputs of the “HoneycombAirbusSR” predefined criterion

Pos. Name Type meaning

1 ElemId Integer Critical Element ID

2 NodeId Integer Critical Node ID

3 LayerId Integer Critical Layer ID

4 SubLayerIdInteger Critical Sub-Layer ID

5 sigLmax Real L OOP shear component of stress tensor at critical location

6 sigWmax Real W OOP shear component of stress tensor at critical location

7 srMax Real Critical strength ratio

8 srRes Result All the strength ratios that have been calculated