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III.1.1.3 Superelements

Since version 5.0.5 of FeResPost, Nastran superelements are partially supported. More precisely, PART and external superelements are supported. (See [Hex22] for a definition of the different types of superelements.) The support is limited to the reading of models containing superelements from BDF or op2 files, and to the reading of corresponding Results from op2, xdb or hdf5 files. The purpose of FeResPost is not to generate models, superelements, or manage the assembly of a model divided in several partitions.

The following Nastran BDF cards or instructions related to super elements are supported:

Other cards related to the management of superelements are unsupported: “SELABEL”, “SELOC”, “SECONCT”, “SEEXCLD”, “SEMPLN’, “SETREE”’...

A finite element model can also be read from a Nastran op2 file, even though this is not recommended. The reading of op2 file identifies the different partitions and builds the corresponding superelement databases.

When a model containing several partitions is read, the corresponding NastranDb object contains sub-databases corresponding to the different superelements. Each database is a distinct NastranDb object. The main database is the “master” database. The sub-databases correspond to the different partitions. Several methods allow to obtain a superelement database from the master database. Also, it is possible to retrieve the master database from a superelement NastranDb object. Each database, including the master database, is identified by a positive integer SEID. For master database SEID=0.

To ease the management of NastranDb objects, a reference counter is added to the C++ nastran::database class. It ensures that the master database and the superelement databases are destroyed at the same time when all references to any of the database for a given model have been freed.

The following methods of the NastranDb class are related to the management of superelements:

The behaviour of ther methods is affected by the presence of superelements:

Examples discussed in section IV.2.11 should clarify the management of models and Results with superelements, and the information provided here.