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Chapter II.4
The “ClaLam” class

The “ClaLam” class is used to store lay-ups and calculate laminate mechanical properties and load responses. They are characterized by the lay-up the define.

Table II.4.1 gives the list of methods defined in “ClaLam” class.

Table II.4.1The different methods that have been defined in “ClaLam” class. Methods marked with “(s)” are singleton methods.

(FeResPost list of classes is given in Table 1 page 27.)

Method NameDescription Example

Creation and initialization methods

new (s) II.4.2 IV.3.2

initialize II.4.2

clone II.4.13

Class methods

setMuxMuy II.4.1

getMuxMuy II.4.1



Manipulations of the laminate plies

clearPlies II.4.4

addPly II.4.4 IV.3.2

setNbrPlies II.4.4

setPly II.4.4

getNbrPlies II.4.4

getPlyData II.4.4

Other laminate data

clearAllowables II.4.5

insertAllowables II.4.5 IV.3.6

fillAllowables II.4.5

getDataAllowables II.4.5

setRefT II.4.5

getRefT II.4.5

setRefH II.4.5

getRefH II.4.5

setLaminateIlss II.4.5IV.3.4.3

setAllPliesIlss II.4.5IV.3.4.3

Laminate properties

calcLaminatePropertiesII.4.6 IV.3.3

get_thickness II.4.6

get_surfacicMass II.4.6

get_averageDensity II.4.6

get_ABBD II.4.6 IV.3.2

get_G II.4.6 IV.3.5

get_alfaEh1 II.4.6 IV.3.2

get_alfaEh2 II.4.6

get_alfaEh3 II.4.6

get_alfaGh1 II.4.6

get_alfaGh2 II.4.6

get_betaEh1 II.4.6

get_betaEh2 II.4.6

get_betaEh3 II.4.6

get_betaGh1 II.4.6

get_betaGh2 II.4.6


get_g_complMat II.4.6

get_alfae0 II.4.6

get_alfae1 II.4.6

get_alfak0 II.4.6

get_alfak1 II.4.6

get_alfas0 II.4.6

get_alfas1 II.4.6

get_betae0 II.4.6

get_betae1 II.4.6

get_betak0 II.4.6

get_betak1 II.4.6

get_betas0 II.4.6

get_betas1 II.4.6

get_engineering II.4.6IV.3.4.1

get_LambdaT II.4.6 IV.3.3

get_R33T II.4.6 IV.3.3

get_RhoCpH II.4.6 IV.3.3

get_LambdaH II.4.6

get_R33H II.4.6

Laminate load response

calcResponse II.4.7.1IV.3.4.2

isThermalLoadingDefined II.4.7.2

getDeltaT II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getT0 II.4.7.2

getGradT II.4.7.2

isMoistureLoadingDefined II.4.7.2

getDeltaH II.4.7.2

getH0 II.4.7.2

getGradH II.4.7.2


getNormalForces II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getMoments II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getShearForces II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getNormalStrains II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getCurvatures II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getShearStrains II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getAverageInPlaneStresses II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getFlexuralStresses II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getAverageShearStresses II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getAverageInPlaneStrains II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getFlexuralStrains II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getAverageShearStrains II.4.7.2IV.3.4.1

getPliesStrains II.4.7.3IV.3.4.1

getPliesStresses II.4.7.3IV.3.4.1

getPliesMechanicalStrains II.4.7.3IV.3.4.1

getPliesStrainsWrtLamAxes II.4.7.3

getPliesStressesWrtLamAxes II.4.7.3


getPliesT II.4.7.4

getPliesDeltaT II.4.7.4

getPliesH II.4.7.4

getPliesDeltaH II.4.7.4

getDerived II.4.7.5IV.3.4.1

getMaxDerived II.4.7.5

getMinDerived II.4.7.5

getFailureIndices II.4.7.5IV.3.4.1

getMaxFailureIndices II.4.7.5

getMinFailureIndices II.4.7.5

getReserveFactors II.4.7.5IV.3.4.1

getMaxReserveFactors II.4.7.5

getMinReserveFactors II.4.7.5

getStrengthRatios II.4.7.5IV.3.4.1

getMaxStrengthRatios II.4.7.5

getMinStrengthRatios II.4.7.5



calcFiniteElementCriteria II.4.9 IV.3.6

Management of units methods

getUnits II.4.10

setUnits II.4.10

changeUnits II.4.10


each_ply II.4.12 IV.3.5

NDF lines

initWithNeutralLines II.4.11



Id II.4.3

 II.4.1 Class Methods
 II.4.2 Creation of an object
 II.4.3 Identifying a laminate
 II.4.4 Manipulation of plies
 II.4.5 Other data
 II.4.6 Laminate properties
 II.4.7 Laminate load response for a simple loading
  II.4.7.1 Calculation of the load response
  II.4.7.2 Laminate internal loads and strains
  II.4.7.3 Ply stresses and strains
  II.4.7.4 Temperatures and moistures at ply level
  II.4.7.5 Other ply results
 II.4.8 Laminate finite element load response
  II.4.8.1 Calculation of laminate loads, stresses and strains
  II.4.8.2 Acceleration
 II.4.9 Calculation of criteria from FE stresses or strains
 II.4.10 Management of Units
 II.4.11 Saving or initializing with NDF lines
 II.4.12 One iterator
 II.4.13 Other methods