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II.3.3 Manipulating Data

Twelve methods allow to set moduli and Poisson’s coefficients, thermal expansion coefficients and allowables. These methods have one Hash argument that associates String keys to real values.

clearModuli” has no arguments and erases all the moduli stored in a ClaMat object.
insertModuli” is used to specify moduli and Poisson coefficients of the material. The keys used to insert mechanical data depend on the type of material:
fillModuli” is used to set material moduli and Poisson coefficients. This method has the same arguments as “insertModuli” but differs by the fact that moduli and Poisson coefficients are re-initialized before insertion of values.
clearCTEs” has no arguments and erases all the CTEs stored in a ClaMat object.
insertCTEs” is used to define different components of the thermal expansion coefficients. For orthotropic and anisotropic materials, possible keys are "alfa1", "alfa2", "alfa3", "alfa12", "alfa23" and "alfa31". For isotropic materials, key "alfa" only can be used.
fillCTEs” is used to set material CTEs. This method has the same arguments as “insertCTEs” but differs by the fact that CTEs are re-initialized before insertion of values.
clearCMEs” has no arguments and erases all the CMEs stored in a ClaMat object.
insertCMEs” is used to define different components of the moisture expansion coefficients. For orthotropic and anisotropic materials, possible keys are "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "beta12", "beta23" and "beta31". For isotropic materials, key "beta" only can be used.
fillCMEs” is used to set material CMEs. This method has the same arguments as “insertCMEs” but differs by the fact that CMEs are re-initialized before insertion of values.
clearAllowables” has no arguments and erases all the allowables stored in a ClaMat object.
insertAllowables” is used to add material allowables. The possible keys are "sc", "st", "ss", "ec", "et", "gs", "s1c", "s1t", "s2c", "s2t", "s12", "s23", "s31", "e1c", "e1t", "e2c", "e2t", "e3c", "e3t", "g12", "g23", "g31", "F12", "F23" and "F31". "st" is used to calculate isotropic stress criteria or reserve factors. "F12" "F23" and "F31" correspond to the F12TW, F23TW and F31TW of the Tsai-Wu failure criteria (sections II.1.10.14 and II.1.10.15). Note that the "ilss" allowable defined at material level has no effect because for Ilss criterion calculation, the allowable is always extracted from the laminate definition. (More precisely, the ilss laminate allowable, or the ply allowables are used.)
fillAllowables” is used to set material allowables. This method has the same arguments as “insertAllowables” but differs by the fact that material allowables are re-initialized before insertion of values.
clearThermalData” has no arguments and erases all the thermal data stored in a ClaMat object.
insertThermalData” is used to define the thermal data. For orthotropic and anisotropic materials, possible keys are "lambdaT1", "lambdaT2", "lambdaT3", "lambdaT12", "lambdaT23" and "lambdaT31". For isotropic materials, key "lambdaT" only can be used. For all types of materials "rho" and "Cp" keys can be used.
fillThermalData” is used to set material thermal data. This method has the same arguments as “insertThermalData” but differs by the fact that thermal data are re-initialized before insertion of values.
clearMoistureData” has no arguments and erases all the Moisture data stored in a ClaMat object.
insertMoistureData” is used to define the moisture data. For orthotropic and anisotropic materials, possible keys are "lambdaH1", "lambdaH2", "lambdaH3", "lambdaH12", "lambdaH23" and "lambdaH31". For isotropic materials, key "lambdaH" only can be used.
fillMoistureData” is used to set material Moisture data. This method has the same arguments as “insertMoistureData” but differs by the fact that moisture data are re-initialized before insertion of values.

The type of ClaMat object must have been set prior to the use of any of the three previous methods. (See “Type” attribute described in section II.3.2.) Several methods allow to retrieve the data that define a material:

getDataModuli” returns the moduli that define the ClaMat object.
getDataCTEs” returns the CTEs that define the ClaMat object.
getDataCMEs” returns the CMEs that define the ClaMat object.
getDataAllowables” returns the allowables that characterize the ClaMat object.
getThermalData” returns the thermal data that define the ClaMat object.
getMoistureData” returns the moisture data that define the ClaMat object.

Each of these “get” methods returns a Hash that associates String and Real objects. (See the “fill” corresponding methods for possible values.)

Obviously, the different data inserted in, or retrieved from the ClaMat object should be consistent with the set of units attributed to the same object. This set of units can be attributed to the object after initialization of the data.