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X.B.2.2 Transformation of tensor components

Similarly to what has been done for vectors in section X.B.2.1, one derives transformations of the components of tensors. One considers the components of tensor T in two coordinate systems:

T = Tkl(ek el) = Tij(e ie j).

Using the same definition of transformation matrix Aij as in section X.B.2.1, one writes:

ek = Aikei,
el = Ajlej.

Then, the substitution of the two expressions in the equations defining components gives:

T = Tkl(ek el) = Tij(e ie j), Tkl(Aikei A jlej) = T ij(e ie j), AikTklAjl(eie j) = T ij(e ie j).

The last expression allows us to extract a relation involving only the components of tensors, and not the base vectors:

Tij = A ikTklAjl.

Here again, one recognizes a classical matricial expression:

T = ATAt.