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Chapter VIII.0

On Windows OS, FeResPost is distributed at the same time as a ruby extension, a COM component and as a .NET assembly. One describes in this Part several characteristics of FeResPost as a .NET assembly.

In general, the class names, their methods and attributes (properties), the parameters of these methods and attributes are the same as those available in the FeResPost ruby extension. When necessary, modifications have been done in the ruby extension in order to maintain as much as possible the compatibility between the ruby extension and the .NET assembly. Therefore, the user is referred to Parts I, II, III and IV to find information on the use of the different classes and methods. In most cases, the information given there is sufficient to use the .NET assembly.

However, an exact match between the ruby extension and .NET assembly is not possible. One details below the conventions that have been adopted when incompatibility problems were not solved. More generally, one explains here the specific aspects of the use of FeResPost as a .NET assembly.

This Part of the document is organized as follows:

The installation of the .NET assembly is described in section X.A.3.6.

In section VIII.0.1, one describes conventions that have been adopted when translating the ruby extension into a .NET assembly. Information is given each time the ruby methods are modified to be implemented into the .NET assembly. For example, this is done for iterators, operators, “clone” method... Also one explains how objects are created with the assembly.

 VIII.0.1 .NET assembly versus ruby extension
  VIII.0.1.1 Accessing the .NET assembly
  VIII.0.1.2 Accessing FeResPost namespace
  VIII.0.1.3 Creating class instances
  VIII.0.1.4 Basic types as arguments and returned values
  VIII.0.1.5 Associative containers and Arrays
  VIII.0.1.6 Iterators
  VIII.0.1.7 Operators
  VIII.0.1.8 Singleton methods
  VIII.0.1.9 “Clone” and “ToString” methods
  VIII.0.1.10 “Post” static class
  VIII.0.1.11 Complex arguments