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Chapter I.4
The “Result” class

The “Result” class is devoted to the manipulation of finite element Results. Examples of Results are stress tensor on volumic or surfacic elements, displacements, grid point forces,... The ruby class “Result” is a wrapping around the C++ class “Result”.

Results can be read from various solver binary files. See Part III for more information.

The “Result” class allows the storage and manipulation of Real as well as Complex values. Note however that several of the methods of Result class do not allow the manipulation of Complex Results. Therefore, indications are inserted here and there in this Chapter to provide information about the “Complex capabilities” of the different methods.

An important comment must be done: Even though the results can be imported into a DataBase, this does not mean that the manipulation of the results is correct. Indeed, all manipulation that involve transformation of coordinate systems can be incorrect because geometric non-linearities are not taken into account. Methods that can be affected by this limitation are for example: “modifyRefCoordSys”, “modifyPositionRefCoordSys” and “calcResultingFM”.

A list of the methods defined in “Result” class is given in Table I.4.1.

Table I.4.1The different methods that have been defined in “Result” class. Methods marked with “(s)” are singleton methods.

(FeResPost list of classes is given in Table 1 page 27.)

Method NameDescription Example

Creation and initialization methods

new (s) I.4.14 IV.2.4.6

initialize I.4.14

clone I.4.14 IV.2.4.6


Manipulation of data

Name= I.4.6.1

Name I.4.6.1

clearData I.4.6.1

getData I.4.10 IV.2.4.2

Size I.4.14 IV.2.4.1

Format= I.4.6.1

Format I.4.6.1

TensorOrder= I.4.6.1

TensorOrder I.4.6.1

setIntId I.4.6.1

getIntId I.4.6.1

setRealId I.4.6.1

getRealId I.4.6.1

insert I.4.6.1


insertRklVals I.4.6.1

insertResultValues I.4.6.1

removeKeysAndValues I.4.6.1

setComponent I.4.6.1

setRefCoordSys I.4.6.2

renumberLayers I.4.6.3

renumberSubLayers I.4.6.4

removeLayers I.4.6.5

removeSubLayers I.4.6.6

modifyRefCoordSys I.4.6.7IV.2.4.5

modifyPositionRefCoordSys I.4.6.8IV.2.5.2

setToCombili I.4.6.9

setToCombiliPerComponent I.4.6.9

Extraction methods

extractResultOnEntities I.4.3.1

extractResultOnLayers I.4.3.2

extractResultOnSubLayers I.4.3.3

extractResultOnRkl I.4.3.4IV.2.4.2

extractResultOnResultKeys I.4.3.5

extractResultOnRange I.4.3.6

extractResultForNbrVals I.4.3.7

extractResultMin I.4.3.8

extractResultMax I.4.3.9 IV.2.4.2

extractRklOnRange I.4.3.10

extractRklForNbrVals I.4.3.11

extractRklMin I.4.3.12

extractRklMax I.4.3.13

extractRkl I.4.3.14IV.2.4.2

extractLayers I.4.3.18

extractSubLayers I.4.3.19

extractGroup I.4.3.17

extractGroupOnRange I.4.3.15

extractGroupForNbrVals I.4.3.16

Derivation methods

deriveScalToScal I.4.4.1 IV.2.4.2

deriveScalPerComponentI.4.4.2 IV.2.4.2

deriveVectorToOneScal I.4.4.3 IV.2.5.4

deriveVectorToVector I.4.4.4

deriveVectorToTensor I.4.4.5

deriveTensorToOneScal I.4.4.6

deriveTensorToTwoScals I.4.4.7

deriveTensorToThreeScalsI.4.4.8 IV.2.4.2

eigenQR I.4.4.9 IV.2.4.2

deriveDyadic I.4.5

deriveByRemapping I.4.4.10

Global Force and Moment

calcResultingFM (s) I.4.8 IV.2.5.3


+ I.4.7.1

- I.4.7.2

* I.4.7.3 IV.2.5.2

/ I.4.7.4

** I.4.7.5


toBlob I.4.11 IV.2.6, IX.1.5, VII.1.9

fromBlob I.4.11


each I.4.12 IV.2.4.4

each_key I.4.12 IV.2.4.5

each_values I.4.12 IV.2.4.5

Complex Results manipulation

set2RI I.4.9.1IV.2.4.6

set2MP I.4.9.1IV.2.4.6

conjugate I.4.9.2

getR I.4.9.4IV.2.4.6

getM I.4.9.4IV.2.4.6

getI I.4.9.4IV.2.4.6

getP I.4.9.4IV.2.4.6

rotateBy I.4.9.3

assembleComplex I.4.9.5IV.2.4.6

A few singleton methods

layerStr2Int (s) I.4.13

layerInt2Str (s) I.4.13

subLayerStr2Int (s)I.4.13

subLayerInt2Str (s)I.4.13


Name I.4.6.1

Other methods

to_s I.4.14


Name I.4.6.1

Size I.4.14 (read only)

Format I.4.6.1


 I.4.1 The concept of “Result”
  I.4.1.1 “Keys”
  I.4.1.2 “Values”
  I.4.1.3 Identification of Result objects
  I.4.1.4 Other characteristics
  I.4.1.5 “FieldCS” Result
 I.4.2 FeResPost Results’ characteristics
 I.4.3 Extraction methods
  I.4.3.1 “extractResultOnEntities” method
  I.4.3.2 “extractResultOnLayers” method
  I.4.3.3 “extractResultOnSubLayers” method
  I.4.3.4 “extractResultOnRkl” method
  I.4.3.5 “extractResultOnResultKeys” method
  I.4.3.6 “extractResultOnRange” method
  I.4.3.7 “extractResultForNbrVals” method
  I.4.3.8 “extractResultMin” method
  I.4.3.9 “extractResultMax” method
  I.4.3.10 “extractRklOnRange” method
  I.4.3.11 “extractRklForNbrVals” method
  I.4.3.12 “extractRklMin” method
  I.4.3.13 “extractRklMax” method
  I.4.3.14 “extractRkl” method
  I.4.3.15 “extractGroupOnRange” method
  I.4.3.16 “extractGroupForNbrVals” method
  I.4.3.17 “extractGroup” method
  I.4.3.18 “extractLayers” method
  I.4.3.19 “extractSubLayers” method
 I.4.4 Derivation monadic methods
  I.4.4.1 “deriveScalToScal” method
  I.4.4.2 “deriveScalPerComponent” method
  I.4.4.3 “deriveVectorToOneScal” method
  I.4.4.4 “deriveVectorToVector” method
  I.4.4.5 “deriveVectorToTensor” method
  I.4.4.6 “deriveTensorToOneScal” method
  I.4.4.7 “deriveTensorToTwoScals” method
  I.4.4.8 “deriveTensorToThreeScals” method
  I.4.4.9 “eigenQR” method
  I.4.4.10 “deriveByRemapping” method
 I.4.5 Dyadic derivation method
 I.4.6 Methods modifying the object
  I.4.6.1 Access to and modification of Result data
  I.4.6.2 “setRefCoordSys”
  I.4.6.3 “renumberLayers”
  I.4.6.4 “renumberSubLayers”
  I.4.6.5 “removeLayers”
  I.4.6.6 “removeSubLayers”
  I.4.6.7 “modifyRefCoordSys”
  I.4.6.8 “modifyPositionRefCoordSys” method
  I.4.6.9 Linear combination of Results
 I.4.7 Operators
  I.4.7.1 Addition operator
  I.4.7.2 Substraction operator
  I.4.7.3 Multiplication operator
  I.4.7.4 Division operator
  I.4.7.5 Exponent operator
 I.4.8 “calcResultingFM” method
 I.4.9 Complex Results
  I.4.9.1 Rectangular-Polar conversions
  I.4.9.2 Conjugate Complex Result
  I.4.9.3 Rotation of Complex Result
  I.4.9.4 Extractions from Complex Results
  I.4.9.5 Assembling Complex from Real Results
 I.4.10 “getData”
 I.4.11 “BLOBs”
 I.4.12 Iterators
 I.4.13 A few singleton (static) methods
 I.4.14 Other methods
  I.4.14.1 “new”
  I.4.14.2 “initialize”
  I.4.14.3 “clone”
  I.4.14.4 “cloneNoValues”
  I.4.14.5 “initZeroResult”
  I.4.14.6 “Size” attribute
  I.4.14.7 “to_s”