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Chapter II.1
Theoretical background

The purpose of this Chapter is to summarize the classical laminate theory, and to provide the information needed by the user of composite classes to understand a few conventions that have been assumed for the programming of Classical Laminate Analysis in FeResPost (axes, angles, numbering of layers,...).

The programmer will find a presentation of the classical laminate theory that follows closely what is programmed in C++ language in FeResPost. However those who are interested in studying the theory, or who are not familiar with it are referred to more extensive presentations of the classical laminate theory [Gay97Pal99]. Only for the out-of-plane shear behavior of the laminate, is the presentation original, even though inspired by information found in [Sof04a].

The Chapter is organized as follows:

 II.1.1 Conventions
 II.1.2 Rotation in XY plane and algebraic notations
 II.1.3 Materials and plies
  II.1.3.1 Plies
  II.1.3.2 Materials and constitutive equations
  II.1.3.3 In-plane properties
  II.1.3.4 Out-of-plane shear properties
 II.1.4 Thickness and mass of laminate
 II.1.5 In-plane and flexural laminate behavior
 II.1.6 Out-of-plane shear of laminate
  II.1.6.1 Out-of-plane shear equilibrium equations
  II.1.6.2 Triangular distribution of in-plane stresses
  II.1.6.3 Out-of-plane shear stress partial derivative equations
  II.1.6.4 Integration of out-of-plane shear stress equation
  II.1.6.5 Approximations with out-of-plane shear forces
  II.1.6.6 Out-of-plane laminate shear stiffness
  II.1.6.7 Calculation algorithm for shear stiffness
  II.1.6.8 Ply out-of-plane shear stresses
 II.1.7 CTE and CME calculations
  II.1.7.1 In-plane and flexural thermo-elastic behavior
  II.1.7.2 Out-of-plane shear thermo-elastic behavior
  II.1.7.3 Hygrometric behavior of laminates
  II.1.7.4 Full sets of equations
 II.1.8 Calculation of load response
  II.1.8.1 In-plane and flexural response
  II.1.8.2 Out-of-plane shear response
  II.1.8.3 Out-of-plane T/C deformation
 II.1.9 Accelerating the calculation of load response
  II.1.9.1 Calculation of laminate loads and strains
  II.1.9.2 Calculation of plies stresses and strains
 II.1.10 Failure theories
  II.1.10.1 Tresca criterion (2D)
  II.1.10.2 Von Mises criterion (2D)
  II.1.10.3 Von Mises criterion (3D)
  II.1.10.4 Maximum stress criterion
  II.1.10.5 Maximum stress criterion (3D)
  II.1.10.6 Maximum strain criteria (2D)
  II.1.10.7 Maximum strain criterion (3D)
  II.1.10.8 Combined strain criterion (2D)
  II.1.10.9 Tsai-Hill criterion
  II.1.10.10 Tsai-Hill criterion (version b)
  II.1.10.11 Tsai-Hill criterion (version c)
  II.1.10.12 Tsai-Hill criterion (3D)
  II.1.10.13 Tsai-Hill criterion (3D version b)
  II.1.10.14 Tsai-Wu criterion
  II.1.10.15 Tsai-Wu criterion (3D)
  II.1.10.16 Hoffman criterion
  II.1.10.17 Puck criterion
  II.1.10.18 Puck “b” criterion
  II.1.10.19 Puck “c” criterion
  II.1.10.20 Hashin criteria
  II.1.10.21 Hashin criteria (3D)
  II.1.10.22 Yamada-Sun criterion
  II.1.10.23 Yamada-Sun criterion (version b)
  II.1.10.24 3D honeycomb criterion
  II.1.10.25 Honeycomb shear criterion
  II.1.10.26 Honeycomb simplified shear criterion
  II.1.10.27 Inter-laminar shear criterion
 II.1.11 Temperature diffusion in laminates
  II.1.11.1 Material thermal parameters
  II.1.11.2 In-plane and out-of-plane components
  II.1.11.3 In-plane rotations of vectorial and tensorial properties
  II.1.11.4 Integration along the laminate thickness
 II.1.12 Moisture diffusion in laminates
 II.1.13 Units